Overview November 2023

November 2023: mild with very wet periods

With an average temperature of 8.2 degrees compared to the normal 7.2, November was a warm month. Furthermore, the month was wet with 245.62 mm in Tielt compared to the normal 67.8 mm. The big absentee in November was the sun, which only shone 23.1 hours compared to 65 normally.

The minimum and maximum temperatures were initially around normal for the time of year, but in the second part it was clearly too warm. The hottest day was November 13 where it was 15.3 degrees! In total, this made for a month that was a little too warm.

Storm Ciarán

At the beginning of November, storm Ciarán in turn caused windy and rainy weather, reaching its peak on November 2, when we recorded gusts of up to 86.9 km/h. In the following days, the low-pressure areas continued to find their way to our raft, which heralded a very wet episode with all the known consequences.

Very humid month

Rain fell almost every day of the month, which led to large amounts of precipitation and flooding. Ultimately, 245.62 mm fell in Tielt. Rain fell on a total of 25 days in Tielt and the most rain was recorded on November 14. The rain gauge then showed 35.05 mm.

Absent sun

The big absentee in November was the sun, which only shone 23.1 hours compared to 65 normally.

Air quality

Thanks to  the windy first days of the month we had 18 days with good (aqi 0-50) light quality.

As the weather calmed down, air pollution also increased, resulting in 7 with acceptable (aqi 50-100) and 5 with unhealthy for a few (aqi 100-150) days.

During periods of calm, stable winter cold, a so-called inversion often occurs: a bubble of cold air that remains under warm air layers. The atmosphere near the ground becomes heavily polluted with, among other things, fine dust particles

The polluted air sticks to the ground, as it were, and does not disappear because there is little wind.

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