Monthly overview October 2023

October 2023: warm and wet

With an average temperature of 13.8 degrees compared to the normal 11.3, October was a warm month. Furthermore, the month was wet with 137.92 mm in Tielt against the normal 67.8. In terms of sunshine hours, the sun shone about 7 hours less than usual.

The average temperature has been 13.8 degrees compared to the normal 11.3 degrees. The fact that the month was so warm was mainly due to the first days of the month. On October 2, the temperature in Tielt rose to 25.9 degrees, the lowest temperature in Tielt was on October 16. The temperature dropped to 4.2 degrees. 


Ten warm days and three summer days

In Tielt this October, a total of 10 days were recorded with a maximum temperature of 20 degrees and more. On three days (October 1, 2 and 10) the mercury in Tielt rose above 25 degrees and summer days could be recorded. 

Very dry start, later becoming wetter

The first 10 days of the month were not only warm, it was also very dry. In Tielt, only 0.4 mm fell from October 1 to 10. The rest of the month was a lot wetter. In the period 11 to 20 October there were still a few dry days, from 18 October it rained every day.

Ultimately, 132.97 mm fell in Tielt. Rain fell on a total of 19 days in Tielt and the most rain was recorded on October 20. The rain gauge then contained 18.2 mm.


Fairly normal number of hours of sunshine

In terms of sunshine, there was also a big difference between the first half of the month and the second half. The first 10 days of October were very sunny. It is striking that the last phase of the month, from October 21, was very gloomy. The total sunshine duration was 70.6 hours.


Overview of weather station Tielt

  • Maximum temperature: 25.9 degrees, October 2 and 10
  • Minimum Temperature: 4.1 degrees, October 16
  • Precipitation: 137.92 mm
  • Wind speed: 51.5 km/h, with gusts up to 56.3 km/h

Journées spéciales à Tielt

  • Number of tropical days (30 °C or more) this month: 0 days
  • Number of summer days (25 °C or more) this month: 3 days
  • Number of warm days (20 °C or more) this month: 10 days
  • Number of frost days (minimum below 0 °C) this month: 0 days
  • Number of ice days (maximum below 0 °C) this month: 0 days
  • Number of precipitation days this month: 19 days

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